Tria Triumph 97

This #TriaTriumph is a great example of the impact the #TriaHealth program leaves on the lives of our patients.
A patient that is undergoing fertility treatments to achieve her dream of pregnancy called in for a consultation. Despite close follow up and monitoring during this treatment by her OB/GYN, PCP, and fertility specialist, she has continued to take Atorvastatin for her history of high cholesterol.
Although this is a preferred and ideal treatment choice for high cholesterol, statin use is contraindicated in pregnancy as they are known to cause potentially serious birth defects.
Women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant should avoid all statin use. Our pharmacist discovered that this patient’s treatment team had never assessed or discussed her statin use.
It is not uncommon in healthcare to focus on a specific issue and fail to review the big picture, and the impact of all aspects of treatment and their effects for patients.
The #TriaHealth program ensures that medication therapy is safe, effective and appropriate as patient’s health statuses change.