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February is American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month, sponsored by the American Heart Association. This month is designed to raise awareness about heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States. One in three deaths in the US is caused by heart disease and stroke.

Your friends at Tria Health want you to understand your personal risks, and what you can do to prevent heart disease in yourselves and your loved ones.

Know Your Personal Risk Factors

Knowing your numbers could potentially save your life! We encourage you to talk to our clinicians or another healthcare provider about your personal risk factors for heart disease.

  1. Blood Pressure Below 120/80

  2. Cholesterol

  3. Blood Sugar fasting blood sugar of less than 100

  4. Body Mass Index less than 25

You Have the Power to Control Some of Your Risk Factors

There are many risk factors for heart disease, some within your control and others outside your control. The risks you CAN control include:

  1. High blood pressure

  2. Smoking

  3. High blood cholesterol

  4. Lack of regular activity

  5. Obesity or overweight

  6. Diabetes

The risks outside your control are:

  1. Age

  2. Gender

  3. Family History

  4. Race

  5. Previous heart attack or stroke

How to Live Healthy

The American Heart Association recommends that to live a healthy lifestyle, you must:

  1. Eat Smart: Make healthy, delicious choices wherever and whenever you eat.

  2. Add Color: Make life more colorful with fruits and vegetables.

  3. Move More: Infuse more movement into your life for optimal health.

  4. Be Well: Create balance, vitality and wellbeing through self-care.

If you would like more tips from the American Heart Association, visit:

This month, and always, we hope that you better understand your risks of heart disease, and what you can do to take better care of your heart.

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