May has been declared National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) due to it being peak season for people with these conditions. Studies show that people spend around 90% of their day indoors. You may think that staying indoors is a great way to get away from the from allergens in the outdoors air. However, indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than outdoor air. Therefore, it is important to take preventative steps at home that will help you avoid problems in your health.
AAFA provides helpful tips for your home that can improve air quality and provide a safe and healthy environment for yourself and your loved ones. Some of these things may be common knowledge that you have always known and do already. Others may be completely new and things that you should start doing. Whatever the case, keep in mind that one change could be exactly what you need to feel better with your asthma and allergies.
Tips for your basement:
- Improve ventilation. Lack of ventilation can lead to mold growth.
- Replace HVAC filters as recommended by manufacturer.
Tips for your kitchen:
- Don’t let dirty dishes pile up in the sink or on the counter.
- Clean your in-sink garbage disposal with baking soda and white vinegar weekly.
- Wipe down the tops of your cabinets and vent hood often with warm, soapy water. These
areas are often overlooked.
Tips for your living room:
- Instead of curtains, hang blinds you can wipe down weekly. If you choose fabric curtains, choose ones you can wash in 130° F hot water regularly.
- Vacuum floors and furniture weekly.
- Wash throw blankets weekly in 130° F hot water.
Tips for your bedroom:
- Wash bedding weekly in soapy, hot water (130°F). Dry on high heat.
- Don’t eat in your bed.
- Remove stuffed toys from the bedroom or store them in a plastic bin or container.
These are a few of the many things you can start changing in your home today to help improve your indoor air quality. It’s time to take control of your health.
Tria Health and Asthma
Many patients decide to take medications to effectively manage their asthma. If Tria Health is offered through your benefits plan, you have the option of receiving a one-on-one, private consultation with one of Tria Health’s pharmacists over the phone. During your consultation, your pharmacist will review all your current medications, including vitamins and supplements. If you are interested in exploring medication treatments for asthma, Tria’s pharmacist will be able to provide you with recommendations.
Call the Tria Health Help Desk: 1.888.799.8742