Asthma Peak Week occurs every year in the third week of September. During this week, children and adults are more exposed to allergy stimulates such as ragweed, mold, and dust. Hospitalizations rise and millions living with asthma and allergies are affected. It is best to start preparing for this week months in advance. Below are tips on how to get ready for Asthma Peak Week.
Make an appointment with your healthcare provider. To keep your asthma under control, it is imperative to schedule an appointment every August. You may think that everything is normal, but it is good to double check. In this appointment it is important to review the types of inhalers you use to analyze their effectiveness. Also, it’s a great time to determine if there are any other new products you could use to better your health.
Always have a rescue inhaler on hand. Even though you may not use your rescue inhaler every day, it is crucial to have one in case of an emergency. Take precautions such as checking its expiration date and detecting how much medicine you have left in it.
Take care of yourself. Amidst this pandemic, it is critical to not lose sight of taking care of yourself. It is hard to keep stress under control but is very beneficial if you do. Stay hydrated, eat healthy, and get plenty of sleep. If you continue to do these things leading up to Asthma Peak Week, you will feel much better.
Avoid asthma triggers. There are a few ways you can minimize your exposure to these allergens:
When coming in from outside, remove your shoes and change clothing to rid of any allergens you may bring into the home.
During this season, your windows and doors should remain closed.
Using an air filter can aid against triggers. Make sure that it is a certified asthma and allergy friendly filter.
Shower before bed to remove any possible triggers such as tree, weeds, pollen, grass, or dander.
Stay away from people who are sick and wash your hands often.
Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
Utilizing these steps daily will create a routine and ultimately minimize asthma triggers.
Tria Health and Asthma
Many patients decide to take medications in order to effectively manage their asthma. If Tria Health is offered through your benefits plan, you have the option of receiving a one-on-one, private consultation with one of Tria Health’s pharmacists over the phone. During your consultation, your pharmacist will review all your current medications, including vitamins and supplements. If you are interested in exploring medication treatments for asthma, Tria’s pharmacist will be able to provide you with recommendations.
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