Image Source: CDC/Unsplash
5 Reasons to Vaccinate Your Child
For parents, it is important to see your child happy and healthy. One of the ways you can ensure your child’s health is through vaccinations. Below are five reasons why you should vaccinate your child:
Immunizations save lives. In the past, children were killed from numerous diseases due to the lack of technology and preventative medications. Today, medical advancements can protect your child against these diseases. Take polio for example, it was considered one of the deadliest diseases in the United States. Ultimately, a vaccine is what stopped it from reoccurring. Immunizations offer protection and are effective.
Immunizations are safe. Healthcare professionals have carefully reviewed immunizations to guarantee that they are safe. Vaccines are thoroughly tested before being released to the public. While vaccines can cause some redness and discomfort at the injection site, they do not compare to the pain felt after contracting a disease. Some side effects such as an allergic reaction can occur, but they are very rare. The benefits of a vaccine outweigh any potential side effects.
Vaccines protect others. Without vaccines, people with weakened immune systems are more at risk. When your child is vaccinated not only are you keeping them safe, but your family and loved ones as well.
Vaccines save money. Vaccine-preventable diseases can cause your child to be denied from school or daycare. They can also create disabilities for your child long-term. This causes financial stress from lost time at work, medical bills or long-term disability care.
Immunizations have a long-term effect on future generations. Vaccines reduce and even eliminate diseases that harmed people only a few generations ago. Smallpox is a disease that no longer exists due to immunizations. Through continual vaccinations, parents may be able to trust that some of these diseases will no longer be around to harm their children in the future.
Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
Below are ten routine childhood vaccines that protect children from these 14 diseases.
DTaP: Protects against Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis
MMR: Protects against Measles, Mumps & Rubella
HepA: Protects against Hepatitis A
HepB: Protects against Hepatitis B
Hib: Protects against Haemophilus influenzae type b
Flu: Protects against Influenza
PCV13: Protects against Pneumococcal disease
Polio: Protects against Polio
RV: Protects against Rotavirus
Varicella: Protects against Chickenpox
With school just around the corner, immunization is important when it comes to protecting your child’s health. Make sure to check with your doctor to confirm that your child is up-to-date on their vaccinations.
How Pharmacists can Help
Pharmacists are also in a unique position to identify those patients who are in target groups for certain vaccinations. They may also be able to ease the fears of many patients by providing them with facts such as clinical data and by dispelling common misconceptions and myths about vaccinations; they can also stress the significant risks associated with not being vaccinated.2
Tria Health was founded on the belief that pharmacists play a vital role in the management of high-risk patients. With Tria, you have the option of receiving a one-on-one private consultation with one of Tria Health’s pharmacists over the phone. During your consultation, your pharmacist will review all your current medications, including vitamins, supplements and lifestyle habits. Your pharmacist will be able to answer any questions you may have regarding vaccinations.